International Connection

Deadlines of applications:

– First Semester: April 10th 2025
*Resolution will be announced by May 2025
– Second Semester: December 22nd 2025
*Resolution will be announced before January 2026


International mobility

Centro Superior Música Creativa strongly believes in the importance of international experience as a key aspect of music training, and therefore, the institution actively promotes the international mobility of students, teachers and administrative staff.

    Joining musica creativa


    At the time of the Application, in addition to your personal data, you will be asked:

    • Motivational Letter
    • URL of 2 videos 
    • Artistic CV
    • Tittle B1 in Spanish
    • Formal nomination letter issued and signed by your IRC or any staff member of your institution

    We accept applications for the entire academic year or for a quarter, both the first and the second one.

    Our semesters are divided as follows:
    – 1st semester: from the January to Eastern Break
    – 2nd semester: from mid-September to end of December (Christmas Break)
    – We also accept applications for the full course.

      Student mobility

      Student mobility involves engaging in a period of study at a higher music education institution that will certify the studies completed. During this period the student will be exempt from the payment of academic fees at the host institution.

      Any student involved in international mobility must process its request with the host institution international office through a learning agreement in writing about the syllabus they will be following in the host country. The learning agreement must be officially approved by both institutions (home and host) before the start of the mobility period. At the end of their stay abroad, the host institution must send the student and their institution of origin a certificate proving that they have completed the agreed programme, together with a report containing results.

      The aims of international student mobility are as follows:

      • To enable students to gain educational, linguistic and cultural benefit from the learning experience in other European countries;
      • To promote cooperation among institutions and enrich the educational environment of host institutions;
      • To help create a community of highly-qualified young people and future professionals with open minds and international experience;

      Incoming students

      Study in our School in Malasaña, Madrid 

      More info

      Should you be interested in coming to Centro Superior Música Creativa for an academic year, you must first approach the International Relations Office of your home institution.

      • If your Conservatoire/University has an agreement with us, there are already established channels for sending us your application. Your institution will inform you whether you have been accepted.
      • If there is no established bilateral agreement yet, please also address your request to your international office first so that they can contact us and study the possibility of establishing an agreement between both institutions.

      You can see in a section below the list of European partner institutions.

      All the courses included in our study programmes are open to international students as long as they fulfil the requirements specified in the corresponding course guide and they have an intermediate Spanish level accredited with an official certificate corresponding to the level B1 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). When you make your application request, you must consult our study programmes and course catalogues to decide which courses you want to take. It is important that you establish the courses you are interested in, for later it will not be possible to change individual course decisions, and it is possible that some group subjects might be closed having reached the limit on the number of students. 

      Here you can check all the information regarding the available Courses for Music Performance and Music Composition.

      The final choice of subjects will be confirmed with the approval or non-approval of the subjects requested in your Learning Agreement, which will be returned to you before the beginning of your stay. If any modifications are made later, and if this is possible, they must necessarily be reflected in the original Learning Agreement, which your centre of origin must also accept.


      outgoing students

      Choose between many international Schools

      More info

      The application form for the mobility of students whose origin is MÚSICA CREATIVA together with all the corresponding information is available in our online campus: Classlife

      Students interested in studying in another European Conservatoire/University for a full academic year and the subsequent recognition of studies abroad need to address their request to Música Creativa International Office, where they will be fully informed of the whole process, expectations and requirements involved. The recognition of their studies abroad will be done following the learning agreement confirmed by Centro Superior Música Creativa before leaving.

      The student pays the registration fee at the home university and enjoys free tuition at the host institution, where he/she is entitled to the same services that local students receive, on equal terms. The host school must provide the necessary information on the courses offered, accommodation options and registration procedures.

      Please click here to see the list of European partner institutions.


      Teacher and staff

      Choose between many international Schools

      More info

      The goals of teacher and administrative staff mobility are as follows:

      • To enable students who are unable to take part in a mobility programme to benefit from the knowledge and experience of academic staff from other higher education music institutions from other European countries (visiting professors).
      • To promote the exchange of competencies and experience in pedagogical and management methods.
      • To encourage higher education music institutions to broaden and enrich the variety and content of the courses they offer.

      The main activity is the teaching provided by a teacher/lecturer from a higher music education institution in a partner country, even though other activities may be developed apart from this.

      Teaching staff who take part in a mobility programme must belong to the department or faculty of the host institution. This implies that:

      • Teaching staff mobility is based on inter-institutional agreements.
      • Partner higher music education institutions must agree prior to the mobility confirmation as to the syllabus that will be followed by visiting professors/lecturers.

      Please click here to see the list of European partner institutions.

      Should you be interested in receiving further information about teaching and administrative staff mobility, please contact our International office

      institutional Information

      Language Policy

      Música Creativa aims to provide musicians with the necessary tools to face the challenges of the music industry. Today´s musicians need to be able to interact in international environments, express themselves efficiently in different contexts and be able to share their artistic views with agents from different cultures.

      Due to the international nature of music itself as a discipline, we believe language training is essential for students to break down cultural barriers. Both English and Spanish as a Second Language are included in all our study programmes as elective courses available for all our students, both domestic and incoming.

      Despite the institution´s main instruction language being Spanish, the school organises different activities in English throughout the academic year for students to have access to international music training in other languages (mainly in English):

      • Master classes with invited professors from different international institutions;
      • ´Meet the artist´ sessions (#MTA) with relevant musicians from the international scene;
      • International thematic seminars for teachers and students;
      • Training programmes for teachers.

      The school´s teaching and learning methods address students’ language needs, including those whose mother tongue is not Spanish. Many of the terms and concepts used in music education are similar in different languages, which makes understanding and following the lessons accessible even for those without the highest level of Spanish. Nevertheless, our management staff and all our teachers are linguistically trained both in English and Spanish and eager to help students overcome any obstacle caused by language.

      However, bearing in mind that the school´s main language of instruction is Spanish, incoming students are requested to come with an intermediate level of Spanish supported by an official certificate equivalent to B1 level (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). For those students needing to improve their level of Spanish during their stay, Music Creativa offers free elective courses of Spanish as a Second Language equivalent to 2 ECTS (intermediate and upper intermediate level).

      For the same reason, home students wishing to participate in mobility programmes abroad are requested to have an intermediate level of the host instruction´s language supported by an official certificate equivalent to B1 level (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). The school offers optative courses of English as a second language applied to Music equivalent to 2 ECTS. In addition, for students needing to improve their level of English before starting their mobility period, Música Creativa offers free courses of English as a second language.

      Last but not least, Música Creativa actively encourage its teachers and staff to engage in international mobility programmes in order to enrich their own experience and bring new views to the institution. All teachers interested in participating in international exchanges and activities are requested to have a higher-intermediate level of English supported by an official certificate equivalent to B2 level (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). For teachers willing to improve their level of English before starting their mobility period, Música Creativa offers free courses of English as a second language. All Música Creativa communications are available both in English and Spanish in the school´s online campus in order to make sure all our international students can understand the dynamics of the school and actively participate in our weekly activities.

      Should you be interested in receiving further information about Música Creativa Language Policy, please contact our International Office.

      Academic Calendar 24-25

      You can check here all the information regarding our academic calendar of 2024 – 2025

      Academic Year Calendar 1st, 2nd and 3rd year
      Academic Year Calendar 4th year

      Erasmus Policy Statement

      Centro Superior Música Creativa (from now onwards, the School) is the only official higher music education (HME) institution in Madrid specialized in the field of jazz and contemporary music training. As the main project of the non-profit organization ´Fundación Música Creativa´ (from now onwards, the Foundation), the School was created in order to respond to the strong demand of music students interested in jazz and contemporary music higher education programmes, so far not covered within the public higher education domain in the region of Madrid. In spite of being a private institution, the School manages to open its educational offer to all talented students regardless of their economic background thanks to the support provided by the Foundation to those students with less opportunities. Madrid is a prolific cultural setting that attracts many young musicians demanding high quality music training; consequently, the School is developing at a fast pace in terms of number of students and educational coverage. With this in mind and after a thorough gap analysis exercise, the School has developed an ambitious institutional modernisation strategy to enhance the quality of its educational project through the development of three correlated objectives: internationalization, professionalization and teaching & learning digitalization.

      The School strives to be an international centre of reference in the field of jazz and contemporary music higher education & research, as well as a pro-active player in the European Education Area. Our mission is to train and educate future musicians in line with the highest international standards; providing them with the necessary tools and opportunities so that they become creative, innovative and socially engaged entrepreneurial music professionals.

      Our international strategy builds on the importance of student, teacher/staff mobility and of international cooperation projects in order to enhance the quality of the institution´s educational project as a whole; as it has positive effects on both, the student learning experience and our teacher/staff skills development strategy. We consider international mobility to be instrumental in the development of music professionals within the multi-cultural society we currently live in. In addition, teacher and student exchanges are an excellent way to gain more insight into the international music field and develop essential skills in line with the demands of the profession; it fosters their confidence, language skills, their ability to adapt to new environments or to communicate with people from different cultural backgrounds, which has a direct impact in the student´s employability possibilities.

      We understand the importance of adopting an international scope in education and thus, enhancing its quality by sharing and learning from other institutions´ practices. We aim to foster our international involvement by boosting teacher and student mobility, participating in international collaborative projects, expanding the number of partners and participating in relevant events and conferences at European scale.

      The School is committed to work on its current and future international alliances in a wide range of ways: from fostering exchanges to organising and participating in international activities such as summer bootcamps, intensive programmes, teacher training courses and thematic seminars; as well as further developing our involvement in international collaborative projects at European level. We aim to provide the widest possible range of international opportunities to our staff and students while enriching the institution thanks to the learning experience resulting from the international collaboration.

      We believe in the importance of having a common referential framework in Europe that allows all HME institutions to develop and share knowledge, creating a joint understanding and criteria to ensure the quality of the learning experience for our students. Our participation in the Erasmus Programme is a decisive step to enable the modernization of our institution as a whole and more particularly, to foster the progression of our internationalization strategy. The Programme provides us with the necessary support and with a well-established quality framework to further develop our international relations with other HME institutions in Europe. It helps us create a sustainable cooperation scheme, increase the number of mobility actions the School is able to accomplish, and allow us to collaborate with institutions with the same interest in developing practices and concrete tools linked to transversal topics in HME such as entrepreneurship or digitalization. In this way, the School is able to develop strategic collaborations, not only to share knowledge and pedagogical approaches but also to export and import cultural and artistic values across Europe; which would become a part of the identity of our students and teachers and of the ones involved from other institutions.

      Participating in the Erasmus Programme fosters our institutional self-reflection, motivating us to be thorough when monitoring and reviewing our internal processes as seen through the eyes of the Spanish National Agency (SEPIE) and our partner institutions. Our quality assurance plan includes measures ranging from direct actions such as visiting lessons or teachers and student interviews, to annual reports highlighting the concrete improvement actions to be implemented in the following year.

      The School places great importance in transitioning to the profession, links to the creative industries, entrepreneurship and employability. As well as supporting students in becoming masters of their craft, it is essential that we ensure they are ready to be self-sufficient, adaptable and pro-active in their future professional environment. Nowadays, we need to understand the necessity of combining music training with other skills to ensure the connection of the students with the society that surrounds them. New technologies, entrepreneurial skills and international involvement are transversal concepts reflected throughout our study programmes.

      We believe in the importance of connecting higher education to the cultural agents of the city so that students have access to the world where they will have to develop their artistic career. The School has developed an active cooperation programme with the city´s main live music venues, theatres and national TV initiatives through which our students can gain practical experience, skills and understanding of the sector. We have an official collaboration agreement with the local government of Madrid and with different organisations in charge of programming live music in the city, which gives our students the opportunity to perform and network in the many music venues and cultural festivals. For example, we provide our students the possibility to perform regularly in distinctive jazz venues of the city and also in the most relevant local, regional and national festivals. We consider it is highly important that the skills our students acquire throughout their education remain relevant in their future career and empower them to manage their own artistic ambitions. Participating in the Erasmus Programme helps us share practices and different approaches on professionalization within music education, providing teachers/staff and students with a chance to get connected with other realities and to understand different ways of approaching similar challenges in the profession.

      In the times we live, it is impossible to conceive the implementation of a modernization strategy without focusing on digital learning in order to cover the needs of the education sector. Ensuring digital access to education was already a priority for us in relation to our responsibility towards the inclusion of students with special needs; and now, following the recent situation resulting from the Covid-19 crisis, the full digitalization of the learning experience has proven to be an urgent and imperative transformation. The Erasmus Programme allows the School to scale up the potential and the impact of the use of digital tools by facilitating the interaction with international teachers and students; supporting the School´s international research on e-learning tools and methods already successfully implemented in other HME institutions online campus, as well as contributing to the effective implementation of international blended mobility activities.

      The School aims to be an active contributor within the European area of education; opening the doors to all students so they can benefit from high quality education, empowering them to find employment across Europe, while contributing to the creation of common quality standards and fostering life-long learning practices for professionals. We believe in the potential of music as a tool to promote cooperation, cultural integration, ecological awareness or social inclusion, thus we integrate those values as transversal components of our educational project. By sharing pedagogical approaches and practices with the European community, we contribute to the creation of common cultural identity in both directions, sharing and learning knowledge with others, exploring and fostering inclusion in Europe while protecting the importance of diversity as a core value.

      Erasmus +

      Música Creativa is an official European Higher Music Education Institution inside the Erasmus Program: See Eche Letter


      Mobility Practical Information

      About Centro Superior Música Creativa

      Centro Superior Música Creativa is located in the cosmopolitan neighbourhood of Malasaña, right at the cultural core of Madrid. The capital city of Spain is in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula.

      Madrid is the largest Spanish city with more than 3 million inhabitants in the metropolitan area. You will find in the city a rich mixture of cultures, since besides the native «madrileños», people from other countries and cultures have made Madrid their hometown. This means that even though the official language is Spanish, in Madrid you can easily get by in other languages, especially in English.


      In Madrid most of students live in shared student flats or in individual studio apartments. Música Creativa International office supports incoming students in their search for accommodation by providing them with general tips and sources to find affordable options where short-term contracts are allowed. In addition, our staff will support students with any difficulty they may find both in the accommodation search process as well as dealing with the landlord/owner.

      As in any other European big city, the price for renting a flat can vary greatly depending on how and where you want to live. For example, a 1-bedroom apartment/studio in the city centre can cost around 700 € –1,350€, while a room in a shared-flat could range between 300€ and 600€. Also, if you choose a room or a whole flat in a neighbourhood outside the centre, prices may decrease considerably.

      City transport

      Centro Superior Música Creativa encourages all students to actively contribute to the city´s sustainable development by using eco-friendly transportation methods such as the city electric bike system BICIMAD or the city public transport (metro, bus and fast trains) to move localy.  Taking the «metro» (tube) or the bus can be a wise alternative if you want to move fast and in an inexpensive way across the city. The transport system has 14 metro lines and over 170 buses:

      Ticket prices:

      • Single ticket: 1.50 € – 3 € (depending on the city area)
      • 10 tickets card: 12.50 €
      • Monthly pass: 56 €
      • Monthly pass for Youth (26 and Under): 20 €: · Public electric bike rental (BiciMAD): annual plan costs 25 €.


      Like any cosmopolitan capital, Madrid has a dynamic cultural agenda that keeps the spirit of the city alive day and night. Incoming students may enjoy many of the activities available in different languages. Here below you can find some examples of common student activities prices:

      • Cinema ticket: 8.50 € (Wednesdays: 4.50 €)
      • Concert ticket: 10 € – 30 € average
      • Theatre play: 10 € – 20 € average
      • Gym Monthly Pass: 20 € average

      Health insurance

      European Incoming students need to come with the European Health Insurance Card, which is issued free of charge in their home countries. This card allows anyone who is insured by or covered by a statutory social security scheme of the EEA countries and Switzerland to receive medical treatment in Spain for free or at a reduced cost, if that treatment becomes necessary during their visit (for example, due to illness or an accident), or if they have a chronic pre-existing condition which requires care. The terms of validity of the card vary according to the issuing country.

      Otherwise, incoming students are expected to arrange their own health insurance covering common illness and accidents while living in Spain.

      We strongly recommend our international students to make sure they are well informed about the details of their insurance coverage before travelling.

      Should you have any question about any of the points below, please contact our International Office

      About Fundación Música Creativa

      • Country: España
      • City: Madrid
      • Web:
      • PIC: 911499786
      • Organisation ID: E10274661
      • Registration Number: 28077397
      • VAT: G85080182
      • Erasmus Charter of Higher Education Code: E MADRID222

      Study a music Bachelor Degree with us

      saxos grado superior

      Jazz and contemporary music

      Modern Musics and Jazz

      composicion superior

      degree in music composition

      For Audiovisual Media

      International office

      Please note you can direct any inquiry about Música Creativa, the study programmes, mobility application processes or any other aspect regarding your international experience to our International Office.

      The international office team will be happy to support you and give you any information you may need regarding your time abroad or to overcome any possible difficulty you might encounter during your stay in Madrid.

      You can reach us in our office without a previous appointment  but making one is highly appreciated.

      If you are considering Centro Superior Música Creativa as a choice to study abroad and if you have any kind of question about our programs, do not hesitate in contacting our International Office.

      Juan Antonio will be glad to help you in any kind of task related to your stance in Madrid:

      Juan Antonio Xas

      Juan Antonio Xas

      International Relations Coordinator

      Phone Number

      +34 91 521 11 56 – EXT 655

      Open Hours

      From 10.30 h to 20.00 h CET

      International Partnerships

      Música Creativa has established partnerships with different higher music education institutions across Europe with the same focus on music education.

      Música Creativa is an active member institution of the Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC) and of Asociación Internacional de Escuelas de Jazz (IASJ). These two organizations provide diverse yearly events for staff, teachers and students of European higher music education institutions to come together and share experiences through thematic platforms, conferences, seminars and other relevant events.